Biz-Archive Tute-List

Animal Cane: Air, Land and Sea animals.

Animal Cane Review: 06-11-04

Check this Review page for downloadable tutorials on animal cane.


Looking for abalone, bones, bamboo, stones, wood and stuff inspired by nature? Check out Faux Stuff

Tiger Cane

Leopard  Cane

Leopard Kitty

Feather Technique 7-2001

2002 New Feather 10-2002

Ammonite Experiments

Four New Examples of the 2002 Feather Trick.  11-2002

Fish Scale experiments

Peacock Index 12-24-11 Done

Tiger Cane

Peacock Index a rebuilt section. Back in 2000 I made effort to build a peacock cane. There's a boatload of pictures. 8 pages of thumbnails all leading to enlarged pictures with captions. Finished finally 12/24/11.
Look at chicken feet and tell me it's not reptile. Snake taste like chicken and alligator ear bones are just like birds. So from scales to feathers a natural flow.  Four New Examples of the 2002 Feather Trick. 

Sing "It was GOLD Feather..." Click on this and go off to the Fish Scale Section.

Since everything starts from the sea, the watery mother of us all, this cane evolved in the Fish Scale experiments of 11-16 and 17, 2002, Week End Marathon WebCam Demo. From fish to reptiles can be found in Fish Scales. WebCam Index

Webcam Logs 11-16 and 17, 2002: Fish Scale Experiments


Silver and Blue

Gold Feather

Green Play

Misc. Pix

Faux Ammonite Group


2002 New Feather, 10-2002

12-30-01 The new Leopard Cane section has thumbnails and captions. 

Feathers 7-2001

 Tiger Cane  *


Leopard Kitty *

Zebra Cane coming soon