See the rest of my Day of the Dead Ofrenda

Halloween Wreath Page

I asked my ClayMates to write a personal statement and was so focused on getting theirs up on their page and getting it linked from the home page that I completely forgot I had to write one too. LOL Ok what was the most important thing I got out of this effort? The fact that it was effortless for me. Denise spearheaded the whole thing. All I did was take stuff off of my Day of the Dead Ofrenda and send it in, late as usual. It was a group effort and each of us added our little bits. Polymer Clay Rock Soup. I am so proud of the list, my ClayMates, their generosity of heart, spirit and effort all in the name of charity. I am awash with love from them and filled with love for them. We all have extra love left over for others who might be in need. The MiniScenesAndThings motto is to "uplift, educate and love" each other. This Halloween Wreath is an example of all those things.  NoraJean Gatine, Owner of MSATClayArt 10-03-03


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