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A reply from a Mississippi Cousin: I thank you for your prayer. Back to 911
Dear Nora Jean,
I am Mamie Lanez Brummett Lilley, the third daughter of Calvin and Mamie Brummett.  All my life I was told of my cousins who lived in California with their mother, but in my wildest dreams, I never thought I would have a chance to make contact with you.

I thank you for your prayer.  I am a teacher of ninth grade students in a
public school setting.  The last week has filled my students with many
questions about religious beliefs for which I have often times had no answer. I hope you do not mind that I have printed your email to give to my students who need answers about your faith.  I join you in your prayer for peace and understanding.

I hope that someday we can meet face to face.

One of your many Mississippi cousins,
Mamie Lanez


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