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Highlights Index February 2012: 1WW BTR Podcast, Conquer the Universe with Astrology BTR Podcast, TinyChat w/NCH Debut Software test,

1pm PST/4pmEST on 02-02-2012.

I'll be speaking with Cheryl Patton on her show "1WomansWisdom" on Blog Talk Radio, discussing "The Grand Earth Trine of March 14, 2012"

Check out the page before the show to read some of  the astrology articles on the topic, see the chart. If you miss the broadcast the page will be updated with the chat log and an embedded broadcast link for the archived podcast.

02-16-2012 Conquer The Universe With Astrology

Host: Matthew Currie

Click here for the "Cheat Sheet" Matthew is having me on as a guest to his Blog Talk Radio show and we've got no plan. Neptune went into Pisces to confer with Chiron, Aries Venus is square Capricorn Pluto, any number of astrological topics can be discussed. Or none of the above. Tune in at 7pm Pacific and find out. 

02-19-2012: Testing 2 webcams and NCH Debut Software: It WORKS!

My opening logo didn't show. I don't know what that beep was. If you increase the browser window to 150% size the webcam windows will be larger without degradation of quality.


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