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February 14 - 15, 2013: Chop and Toss of the 5aoF cane scraped off of the Pens from February 12 through 14, 2013 Pen Swap Prep: Natasha Bead from One Srapped Pen; Double Sided pendant from 4 scraped pens; Chopping 5aoF unreduced cane;  Undoing Double Sided Pendant - Re do to 2 pendants

02-14-2013: Natasha Bead from One Srapped Pen

02-14-2013: Double Sided pendant from 4 scraped pens
Scraping the clay off of the four pens and making a double sided pendant.

02-15-2013: Chopping 5aoF unreduced cane
Cane that has been reduced small and chopped gives you small designs. This is an example of the 5aoF cane that's large and then chopped to see how different it looks.

02-15-2013: Undoing Double Sided Pendant - Re do to 2 pendants
That double sided pendant with the reduced cane chop was too thick. This shows how you can undo that pendant and rework the chop. From one too thick double sided pendant we make two.

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